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贵州特岗英语笔试试题-our ability to solve the problems, I never have t

贵州华图 | 2023-05-31 19:52


【导读】华图贵州教师招聘考试网同步贵州华图发布;详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【专属客服】,备考贵州特岗教师考试,为你推荐特岗备考用书免费网课。更多资讯请关注贵州华图微信公众号(guizhouht) 。

第二部分 学科(共70 分)

  一、单选题(每题 1 分,共 15 分)

  Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally .

  A.friendly B.various C.common D.changeable

  your ability to solve the problems, I never have the slightestdoubt.

  A.Due to B.Asto C.Apartfrom D. Regardless of

  Look at the timetable. Hurry up!Flight 4026 offat18:20.

  A.takes B.took C .willbetaken D. hastaken

  I have lost one of myglovesI itsomewhere.

  A. mustdrop B. must havedropped

  C. mustbe dropping D. must have beendropped

  The flowers were so lovelythat they in no time.

  A.sold B.hadsold C.weresold D. wouldsold




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